So i feel like the dude in the picture. I have only gained 4 lbs since my pregnancy started and my diet stopped, so that's not bad. The Dr said for now 1/2 lb a week is good. The last couple weeks i was having a hard time eating, and wasn't really hungry....but this week i cant seem to stop. I cant eat much at once, but it seems like I'm eating all the time, i know I'm not, and i know that its actually good to eat more frequent smaller meals, but dang it seems like a lot! my stuff your face gland is really acting up! The good thing is that it seems to crave a lot of fruit! at least its not craving in-n-out......oh shit...i should have said something else.....dam... well too bad gland, were having pasta for dinner!
eating frequent meals is fine... have cut up stuff for you to grab so you don't go "in and out"!
are you craving anything?
im going to go big grocery shopping tomorrow, i found that brining one thing for lunch just doesnt cut it i need to load my lunch bag with lots of healthy snacks. so tomorrow im on a mission, and i think im also going to try to cook lots of chicken so i can make yummy salads for my main lunch, im on a salad kick.
and...we had pasta last night with yummy salsa salad, if you havent had that one yet its a bag salad with all the fixins...yummy! and garlic bread...and asparagus!
Ernie loves that salad... it is his favorite...
sounds like you have a great plan...
go mama speck...go!
Hey In and Out isn't THAT bad! Its a lot fresher and healthier than Burger King!
Lots of snacks throughout the day is key to keeping your energy up with out extra caffeine. Good plan! I wish I ate more like that...
I totally have the "stuff your face gland" btw. It kicks into hyper-drive around 4 pm. Fun stuff.
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